Sunday, February 6, 2011


Daniel (7+ years old) 
Monday, November 4, 2002
It was November 4, 2002, a Public Holiday (Deepavali). 
Mom remembers feeling very thankful that a Neurosurgeon was on-call in the hospital that day. God is definitely with us. The doctor instructed for a CT Scan and You were attended to immediately.

“Just stay still Son, they are going to take a picture of your brain,” Mom explained before a friendly nurse brought You into the scan room. 
You were feeling okay at the time, and You cooperated with the nurse as she laid You down on the scan equipment. Before closing the door, the nurse politely told Dad and Mom to please wait outside. 
We waited right outside the door. Justine entertained herself to the television that was on the wall. 
About 20 minutes later, a radiologist called Dad to the computer screen.

Dad looked at the screen and his face fell. 
Mom will never forget that look of devastation and helplessness. She could not hear what the radiologist was saying, but later Dad said that the radiologist asked whether You had a fall or did You hurt yourself on your head at any time before that day. 
Dad was very upset. 
After a brief moment, Dad motioned for Mom to go in the room. There was a glass window separating your scan room to where we were at. Mom had to pass that window to go to the computer. 
At the window, Mom stopped to look at You, and our eyes connected. You looked so small lying on that huge machine, fiddling with your fingers, with a bored expression on your face. 
Feeling an immediate surge of motherly instinct to protect her child, Mom gave an assuring smile, the thumbs-up, and slowly mouthed the words : 
“You’ll - be - okay.” 
You smiled back cheekily, returning the thumbs-up.

 Everything's good!
At the Go Kart track during our trip to the USA.
You were 10 years old.