Sunday, September 25, 2011


At the Grotto of Our Immaculate Conception, in Lourdes   
Daniel (14+ years old) (Wednesday 16/9/2009) 
Day 7 in Lourdes
5th day in Hospital (Pao) 
In the morning, the doctor sent You for a scan of your spine.
Dad and Mom had alerted the doctor upon arrival yesterday evening that You also had a prolapsed of the disc on your lower spine. 
We were concerned because today would be the fifth day You were laying on your back without much movement. You were not able to lie flat on your back in the first place because of your slipped disc. 
The doctor advised a scan of the spine to eliminate a metastasis.
A metastasis?
That possibility had not occurred to us. 
While we are being technical here, it must be said that, the "evolution" too did not occur to us. Yet, it did not prevent it from happening. 
The situation was tense for Mom. 
After the traumatic shock of the scan on the head the day before, she was afraid of what the doctor would find on the spine. 
It was a restless moment for her. 
The stress of it all was too much to handle. 
At the waiting area, outside the scan room, Mom broke down emotionally. 
In vain, she tried to visualize a clean and clear spine, but her vision was somewhat compromised with the uncontrollable welling up and gushing down of tears.
Aunty Carol, Justine, You and Mom. 
This is the photo that we picked of You for your farewell portrait.
At Kuantan Beach during your last Chinese New Year 
with your family in Feb 2009.