Monday, April 4, 2011


Daniel (7+ years old) 
One month after your first surgery ...

“These are the findings of the biopsy,” 
said your doctor, handing the medical report to Dad.

Dad took the report. 
At the same time, Mom got up from her seat. Taking your hand, she led You out of the room, where Justine was engrossed playing with her gameboy right outside. 
You ran to your sister, jumped up the seat beside her. Soon You were excitedly cheering her on. Mom watched the both of You playing happily together, and a dull ache began to beat in her chest. She went back into the room, with a rock weighing her heart down. 
Dad appeared to be reading the report carefully. 
When he finished, Dad passed the piece of paper to Mom. Who would have thought that a few lines in a seemingly harmless piece of paper would hold the fate of their child?
Something has clearly happened that was about to turn their lives upside down. 
The doctor was talking to Dad.

Mom was not listening. 
Her concentration was on that sheet of paper. 
She did not need to read the whole thing. Her eyes quickly scanned through the paper. She stopped short in her tracks as she caught sight of the dreaded word she had not want to see but did. 
Your Grandfather and your Aunt Tracy’s medical reports both had this very devastating and glaring word. That one word that would cause her world to crumble at her feet. She inwardly summoned all the strength she never knew she had in her, to maintain and retain her composure ...
God, why ??? Why ???
 See how engrossed Justine and You were?
Wild horses couldn't drag you both away from the game machine.