At the Grotto of Our Immaculate Conception, in Lourdes
Daniel (14+ years old) (Wednesday 16/9/2009)
Day 7 in Lourdes
5th day in Hospital (Pao) (afternoon)
Dad and Mom laughed heartily.
Once again, You effortlessly made light a situation which was otherwise tensed and difficult.
In the evening, Aunt Laura came to the hospital to see You.
It was so comforting to see Aunt Laura.
Mom saw her peeking into your room, before she knocked softly. Aunt Laura brought some home cooked rice she fried with tomatoes and zucchini, and tubs of yoghurt, she knew was your favorite.
You had not eaten for the past five days so You eagerly welcomed your dinner.
Before You took your first bite, You put your hands together and thank the Lord for your food.
That unexpected act caught Mom by surprise.
Your display of such pure and unconditional faith in your Creator, despite the bleak and grim situation, truly touched a cord in your mother's heart.
She was and is so proud of You.
On our second day at the Grotto. You had a headache in the afternoon, which went away after your nap. We went for a nice walk that night, with You trying on everything You could get your hands on without getting into trouble, at the souvenir shops. :D