Friday, September 16, 2011

DOT 103 : PAO

At the Grotto of Our Immaculate Conception, in Lourdes   
Daniel (14+ years old) (Tuesday 15/9/2009) 
Day 6 in Lourdes … 
4th day in Hospital (Pao) (late evening) ...
The specialist in Pao hospital was waiting for You.
It was clearly after consultation hours. Dad and Mom were indeed relieved to see an elderly man with a kind and compassionate face attending to us. 
Aunt Laura spoke to him in French, briefing him about your condition and what had happened. 
Dad took out his camera to show the doctor, photos of You taken on the first and second day in Lourdes. The doctor found it hard to believe that You were up and about, and walking, when You first stepped down the plane in Paris Airport only a few days ago. 
He was well aware of your case as he had been receiving daily reports from Lourdes Hospital. He expressed concern as You had been sleeping since the date of admission 4 days ago.
We were told that Lourdes Hospital had in fact called Toulous Hospital first, to take You in, but they refused as You were not under any insurance coverage. 
As that hospital was about 2 hours away, perhaps it was God's Will not to stress You with the long journey. We were very grateful that this kind doctor agreed to take You under his care. God had picked the better doctor to attend to You under the urgent circumstances.
We handed the scans to the doctor, and waited nervously for his comments. You were sleeping like a baby, unperturbed. It would seem now that while a huge crisis was going on around You, You were to be resting in peace in God's heavenly embrace. 
Mom almost fainted when the doctor finally explained his findings on your scans, one in particular. 

God set You free from all the suffocation ...