Monday, March 7, 2011


Daniel (7+ years old) 
Tuesday November 12, 2002

The text message was from your aunt Diana. 
Her message, in reply to the text message You sent earlier that morning, read :-

“Of course, silly. Anyway, it’s not the head that counts. 
It’s our soft butts, remember?” 
The “soft butt” phrase was a favourite past-time joke between Aunt Diana and You, for reasons Mom does not recall.

Leaning back into the hard seat in the Waiting Room, Mom read the text several times before scrolling to the text message that You had sent. 
How You could come up with such an endearing message was beyond her. 
A nurse popped in just then, and handed Stitch over to Mom, saying, 
“He’s sleeping now, the doctor will be operating soon.” 
Giving the nurse a polite nod of acknowledgment, Mom cringed as a sudden shudder rippled through her. 
She stole a quick glance at the clock on the wall. Your doctor had advised the day before that the surgery should be over before 12 noon. 
About four hours to go ... 
Life's just great ... <3
By Martina McBride.