Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Daniel (7+ years old) 
Tuesday, November 12, 2002
“He was in pain just now …” Mom began. 
“For a short while. He was okay when the drugs kicked in,” intercepted Dad abruptly. 
Mom inhaled deeply. 
Stepping back so that she was standing behind the doctor, she turned to glare at Dad. Dad’s intervention was not at all appreciated and did not go well with Mom. 
What was he - a doctor?
The doctor, the one with the real qualification, went to your bedside and called your name. 
You opened your eyes drowsily. 
Mom was so afraid that You would cry out in pain again, but this time You did not. 
Oh, thank God. 
Your doctor said in a clear voice, “Daniel, who is this?” pointing at Dad. 
You opened your sleepy eyes and turned your head so very slowly to where his finger was pointing. 
You said wearily, “My father” and closed your eyes. 
“And who is this?” 
The doctor asked again with raised voice, this time pointing at Mom. 
You slowly opened your eyes again, and said, half asleep, “My mother,” before your heavy lids dropped back down.
 At the grocer's.