Tuesday, January 24, 2012


At the Grotto of Our Immaculate Conception, in Lourdes   
Daniel (14+ years old) (Tuesday 22/9/2009) 
Day 13 in Lourdes
When we reached the grotto area, we saw a mighty long queue of people in wheelchairs waiting to get into the bath. There were easily fifty wheelchairs in three rows, with people most of whom were of senior age. 
One of the hospitaliers saw You from afar and waved at us, beckoning us to go right up to the entrance. 
A lady who was pushing an old man in a wheelchair was beside us, and she thought the hospitalier was signalling to them. So there Dad was, pushing You in your wheelchair, and the lady walking right beside Dad, pushing the old man in his, both of you heading towards the entrance, and overtaking the massive long queue that afternoon. 
Mom walked behind Dad.
At the entrance, Dad presented You, and the lady, the old gentleman. The hospitalier was all friendly and compassionate when he saw You, giving You a wide smile.
However, his smile quickly faded as he turned to the old man and the lady. He sternly, strictly and very firmly pointed them back to the end of the queue. 
Mom felt bad as she watched the lady turned the wheelchair around to go back to the queue. She was probably wondering, as she pulled away, why a young boy was chosen to go in before the frail old man.
Your mother was very, very grateful that the hospitalier was kind enough to give You the VIP treatment. People around us who saw what just happened at the entrance would probably not understand, but Our Lady did. She knew exactly what was happening. You were in Her territory. It would have been very tiring for You to wait at least two hours at the back of the line to reach the entrance.
The Queen of Heaven must have steered You right in.
 Picture taken on 29/9/2009 when Aunty Diana flew over to visit You.
By Jackie Evancho.

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