Saturday, January 21, 2012

DOT 150 : JOY

At the Grotto of Our Immaculate Conception, in Lourdes   
Daniel (14+ years old) (Tuesday 22/9/2009) 
Day 13 in Lourdes
Words cannot describe that moment of immense joy and gratitude Mom felt in her heart. 
It took much effort not to throw her arms around You to give You a big, big hug and a big, big kiss. :D The hotel guests were around, and You have never liked being the center of attention in the first place.
No, You wouldn't like that at all. Maybe secretly, You wouldn't mind your mother giving You a big squeeze, surely ... but publicly? Not a good idea. 
Nevertheless, nothing could mar her mood today. Her joy was complete just seeing her son up and about. Mom and You exchanged a happy "OMG" smile. 
Your mother was all ecstatic, almost floating in euphoria, because today ... TODAY, You were able to stand up and walk. 
Still thanking Mother Mary gratefully in her heart, Mom asked You to wait at the TV Lounge, which is just right outside the little kitchen, some ten walking steps away from where she was at. You turned and left. 
Mom returned to her cooking, but not before praising God for your progress today.
It wasn't until some ten minutes later when Mom went to the lounge to look for You, only to find that You were not there. You were not in the bedroom either or the dining area. She could not find You anywhere. Could You have gone outside to take a walk, she mused. 
No, not possible. 
You have not gone out of the hotel on your own before - not that You didn't want to. You were not able to, physically. However, Mom ran out of the hotel entrance just to make sure, and looked far to the right and even further to the left, to try to spot a tall Asian boy in pink tees and blue jeans.
You were nowhere in sight.
 Aunty Di and You. Picture taken on Sept 29, 2009.