Monday, March 28, 2011


Daniel (7+ years old) 
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Your breakfast tray came at 8 am. 
Mom caught sight of a bowl of plain porridge, two pieces of bread with butter and strawberry jam accompaniments, and a cup of hot chocolate. 
Mom made You rinse your mouth first before eating. 
She then fed You, starting with the porridge. You ate without any fuss, one mouthful after another. 
It was always a joy to watch You eat. 
Soon, You finished the food on the tray.

Dad and Justine arrived about an hour later. 
At your bed, Dad gave You a big smile, and held up the McD’s take-away paper bag with your burger orders. 
You gave Dad a half-grin. 
Then You saw Justine, and You had a big, happy smile for her. 
Justine was intimidated by the accordion bag on your head. 
Until today, she does not really remember much of what happened on that first visit in the ICU except for the clear picture of the “bag filled with blood.”

Mom unwrapped your burger, and tore open a small packet of tomato sauce. 
Squeezing the whole packet of tomato ketchup onto the burger, as You normally did, so that the red sauce dripped from the sides, Mom brought your cheeseburger to You.
  American breakfast ...